
Move Stage

You can move a candidate from Job pipeline or Candidate profile

1. From the Job pipeline view

  • Click and hold down the mouse button to display the hand button on the candidate card that you want to move to the next stage.

  • Drag the candidate card to the desired stage and drop.

2. From the Candidate profile

  • Go to a candidate's profile.

  • From the Job-Related tab, choose the suitable Job.

  • Click the Stage button in the right top corner.

  • Select the Stage that you want to move the candidate to.


  • When a candidate is disqualified, you won't be able to move that candidate to a different stage. In this case, you have to change the candidate back to Qualified before moving them to a different stage

  • You are able to Customize your Hiring Pipeline


Taking notes directly on the candidate's profile makes it easier for you and your team to capture information that candidate.

Users with the Admin role will have visibility into all notes, even private ones.

You can create new notes and edit, or delete your notes.

Create note

There are 2 ways to create notes: On job and on the Candidate profile

Create notes on job
  1. Open a Job that you want to create notes on, click Notes tab

  2. Write your note, then click Add Note

Create notes on Candidate profile
  1. Open a candidate profile that you want to create notes on, click Notes tab

  2. Click the message box or click Create Note (if that candidate profile has no notes yet)

  3. Write your note, then click Create

When writing your note, you can:

  1. Format your notes using the formatting toolbar in the message box to make your text heading, bold, italic, hyperlinks, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and clear format.

  2. Attach files by using the paperclip icon (files type: .pdf, .docx, .doc ; Image type:.png,.jpeg, max 5MB in size)

  3. Mention team members by typing or clicking @ and then selecting a team member’s name. Only the members of the hiring team for that job and Adminstrators are shown in the drop-down list.

  4. Limit the visibility of notes: The default option is Everyone who has access to the specific Job or the candidate profile. To limit the notes's visibility, click Everyone button and select the team members who should be able to view it. The list shows the Administrator and Hiring Team in that job

When creating a note, the member who is mentioned but not chosen as visible will be immediately added to the list of visible members.

Edit or Delete note

On both the Candidate profile and the Job, editing and deleting notes are the same.

Only the note owner has the right to edit and delete.

Edit Notes

Select a note on the Candidate profile or the Job you want to edit, click Edit icon, and adjust the information.

Then click Update.

Delete Notes

To remove a note, choose a note you want to remove, click Delete icon, and confirm Delete note.


You can create, follow up, and manage tasks related to the hiring process. You can easily assign specific tasks to team members, set due dates, and also link them to specific candidates or job so they don't get forgotten.

  • The Admin role can view all tasks on the candidate profile, but not view the task sidebar.

  • Other roles only see their tasks created and tasks assigned to them.

Tasks show all My To-dos, Assigned to-dos, and Completed

  • My to-dos: Show up your to-do list, you are able to create them yourself or team members assign them to you.

  • Assigned to-dos: Show up a to-do list that you created and assign it to another members.

  • Completed: Show up a to-do list that you mark as done.

Create task

There are three options to creating tasks: On the left menu, On the Candidate profile, and on Notes.

1. On the left menu

  • Enter your task, assign team members (if any), set the due date, and then click Create to complete.

2. On the Candidate profile

  • Open a candidate profile that you want to create a task on, and click Task tab.

  • Click the message box or click Create Task (if that candidate profile has no tasks yet).

  • Enter your task, assign a team member (if any), set the due date, then click Create to complete.

3. On Notes

To create a task on the Candidate profile's note or job's note, when creating note, you just tick the Follow up task box, set the due date, and click Create.

A new note is created and note's content is attached to the task, you can check it on the Task tab.

  • Tasks are created on the Candidate profile's note, will show up Follow up with + Candidate name .

  • Tasks are created on the Job's note, will show up Follow up on + Job title.

After creating tasks, you can manage tasks as edit, delete or mark as done.

Edit or Delete task

Edit task

Select a task you want to edit, click Edit icon

When editing tasks, you can:

  • Adjust the information

  • Assign to-do for team members

  • Change the due date

Then click Update

Note: Tasks are created on the Candidate profile's note or Job's note, cannot be edited directly. To edit them, you have to edit notes

Delete task

Select a task, click Delete icon, and confirm Remove task

Or you can Delete task when editing task

Complete tasks

After you are done with tasks, you can mark them as completed by ticking the box.



  1. If a candidate is assigned to more than one job, make sure you select the right job you are sending an email to the candidate.

  2. Candidates must have an email address.


Hireforce offers three kind of email templates to help you easily choose the right one for different situations.

1. General Email Template

Click Select template and select a suitable template, such as

  • Disqualify Candidate (If the candidate is disqualified, the recruiter can notify them by email with reasons.)

  • Greeting Candidate

  • Quick Update

2. Auto confirmation email templates

To set up auto-confirmation email, on Setting page -> Email Template select the email with Auto confirmation category and click Set as default button

3. Event

Event emails are used when scheduling events, such as interviews with candidates.

Send an Email to Candidate

  1. Open the candidate profile that you want to send email

  2. There are two ways to send an email:

  • Select Email tab and click Compose

  1. The pop-up Compose email will be shown below

  • To: the candidate's email address, you can send email using CC or Bcc

  • Subject: email subject

  • You can format your email content by using the formatting toolbar in the box to make your text heading, bold, italic, hyperlinks, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and clear format.

  • Insert placeholders that will be replaced by information based on context.

  1. Then, click Send

Besides, instead of manually writing the email, you can use three types of Email Templates

How will the email display?

Recruiters can send various types of emails to candidates, but generally, they will have three main parts: sender information, subject, and email content. Therefore, the email displayed to the candidate will typically consist of these three main parts.

  • Email Subject: The email's purpose

  • Sender Information: The default is Hireforce Team

  • Email Content: Reasons for contacting the candidate, such as scheduling an interview.

Last updated