
You can easily capture important information by taking notes directly on a candidate’s profile or job, making it accessible to your team. Users with the Admin role have visibility into all notes, including private ones. You can create, and edit all notes as needed and delete notes on your own

Create note

There are 2 ways to create notes: On the Job and the Candidate profile

Create notes on job
  1. Open a Job that you want to create notes on, click Notes tab

  2. Write your note, then click Add Note

Create notes on Candidate profile
  1. Open a candidate profile that you want to create notes on, click Notes tab

  2. Click the message box or click Create Note (if that candidate profile has no notes yet)

  3. Write your note, then click Create

When writing your note, you can:

  • Format your text using the formatting toolbar, with options like headings, bold, italic, hyperlinks, bulleted and numbered lists, and clearing formats.

  • Attach files by clicking the paperclip icon (file types: .pdf, .docx, .doc; image types: .png, .jpeg; max file size: 5MB).

  • Mention team members by typing or clicking “@” and selecting a name from the drop-down list. Only the members of the hiring team for that job and Administrators will appear.

  1. Create a task to follow up: You can also create tasks directly from notes to follow up on actions.

  2. Limit the visibility of notes: By default, notes are visible to everyone with access to the job or candidate profile. To limit visibility, click the “Everyone” button and select specific team members. The list will display Administrators and Hiring Team members for that job.

If a team member is mentioned in a note but not initially selected for visibility, they will automatically be added to the list of visible members.

Edit or Delete note

Notes can be edited or deleted both on candidate profiles and jobs, following the same process. Only the note owner has the right to edit or delete a note.

  • To edit a note: Select the note, click the Pencil icon, make your changes, and click Update

  • To delete a note: Select the note, click the Trash icon, and confirm by clicking Delete Note

Last updated