Event Management

Track all interview-related information, including candidate profiles, interview notes, and feedback.

To manage all of your events, specifically the interviews, click the Calendar icon on the left menu.

To view interviews for specific members, click the down arrow icon in the top right corner to filter your results. By default, the system shows interviews where you are involved.

Note: The Limited Member role cannot use this filter.

When you click on an interview:

  • If you haven't submitted feedback yet, you will see the Submit feedback button.

  • If you have already submitted feedback, you will see a the View feedback button.

Edit - Delete An Interview

Edit An Interview

You can edit an interview on the Candidate Profile or on the Calendar.

On the Candidate Profile

  1. Go to the Candidate profile.

  2. Click the Interview button on the main tabs.

  3. Click the Pencil icon on the right.

  4. In the pop-up, correct the information > Click Continue.

  5. Enable Notify candidate and attendee(s) by email if you want to send email to them.

  6. Review the interview's information and email content > click Schedule.

On the Calendar

  1. Click the Calendar icon on the left menu.

  2. Click on the Interview.

  3. Click the Pencil icon on the right and and continue with the same steps as above.

Delete An Interview

The interview can be deleted only if there are no submitted feedbacks.

You can delete an interview on the Candidate Profile as follows:

  1. Go to a candidate's profile.

  2. Click the Interview button on the main tabs.

  3. Click the Trash icon on the right.

  4. If you want to notify candidate and attendees, tick Send notification email.

  5. Click the Delete button to complete.

View Event

To enhance the candidate and interview experience by providing users with more information, convenience, and speed, for a more positive and seamless journey, Hireforce released a new feature View Event after you set up an event such as an interview. Instead of the traditional method of sending information to each person individually, Hireforce integrates all necessary information into a centralized View Event button, even the map if you update the location correctly

How to use it?

When scheduling an interview, enable "Notify candidate and attendee(s) by email", the View Event button is shown in the email as default.

As you know, you can customize the email content here, if you'd like to put the View event button in another place in the email, you can pick it out as follows:

  • Click Insert

  • Select event_preview_link

  • Attendee(s) will get the email, they can click View Event to view event detail.

Last updated