Custom Fields

With Custom fields, you could define the necessary fields that are displayed on Application profiles and Jobs for specific Access level groups. You also add additional fields to those already available in Hireforce (system fields). This allows you to personalize the information fields according to your hiring process at your organization.

System Fields

These are fields that are already available in Hireforce and cannot be deleted. Some of these fields can be customized for specific access level groups by enabling or disabling them.

  1. Fixed fields are always visible to all users in your Hireforce account. Their visibility cannot be modified.

  2. Customizable Fields (Excluding Salary fields): You can enable or disable visibility for all users.

  3. Due to its sensitive nature, the salary field offers enhanced access level control options. You can customize its visibility to specific access level groups, ensuring only authorized personnel can view this information

Additional Fields

You can add additional fields to the system fields to capture specific information relevant to your hiring process. These additional fields can be customized for specific access level groups by controlling their visibility.

Add New Field

  • Click on + New Fields Button

  • Update the information 1. Select the Object 2. Input the Field name 3. Select the Acees Level group that you want this field visible to 4. Select the Field type ensures the data entered and stored in the field is valid, consistent, and can be used effectively for queries and analysis

  • Click Add button to complete

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