Email Templates

In Hireforce, there are three categories of default email templates: General, Auto Confirmation, Event

General email templates are for general purposes. It includes:

  • Disqualify Candidate: This is the email will be sent when you reject a candidate with an email.

  • Greeting Candidate: The email template is used to approach candidates. If the candidate is a match for the job the recruiter is hiring for, you can send this email to introduce the job opportunity to the candidate.

  • Quick Update: The email template is used to notify to candidates that you are still in the process of reviewing their applications, and considering the next step

Create New Template

  1. Click + New Template

  2. Input all information (required field) about the new email template

  • Category: Select a type General, Auto Confirmation, or Event

  • Email template name: The email template's name is clear, concise, and distinct from other names.

  • Email subject: The subject of the email sent to candidates. You can use personalization like {job_title}

  • Content: The body of the email sent to candidates. Using the button to format text: heading, bold, italic, hyperlinks, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and clear format. You can use personalization by click insert

  1. Then click Save

Manage Email Templates


Select the email template you want to edit, click Edit icon, adjust information, then click Update

Delete Email Template

Select the email template, click Delete icon

The pop-up shows up, and you click Delete to confirm deleting this email template