Candidate Dashboard
The Candidate Dashboard summarizes all of candidate profiles. It is also where you manage potential candidates and collaborate with team members to monitor the hiring process.
Access your full candidate database by clicking Candidates on the left menu.
On the Candidates page, you'll be able to add new candidates. You can also view and search candidates depend on your permission.
The Admin can view all candidates in your company account.
Other roles (Member, Limited Member) only view candidates as belonging to jobs for which they are either in the hiring teams or the ones who sourced the candidates.
Candidate Profile
Each candidate in Hireforce has all their data organized in a candidate profile with 2 tabs: Profile and Job-Related.
Clicking on the candidate name then you could view the profile. Besides that, you could view the Job-Related tab if this profile applied/sourced to your job running.
The Profile tab includes some information such as:
Overview: All of the candidate's data such as contact details, profile information, summary, resume/CV.
Jobs: All jobs that the candidate is processing.
Activities: All activity logs between the candidate and your hiring team.
Notes: All notes from your hiring team about the candidate.
Tasks: All the task that your hiring team needs to do for the candidate.
Manage candidate
Input Candidate
There are many ways to input candidates to your candidate database on Hireforce
1. The Candidate was added by the Team Members.
Member of your company with roles Admin and Member can add candidates at Candidate section, sourced in a job on the Job page or referred to a job.
To streamline the recruitment process and enhance efficiency, Hireforce has introduced the Bulk Upload feature, enabling recruiters to upload multiple resumes at the same time, minimizing the need for manual data entry.
Once uploaded by Bulk Upload, resumes are then parsed and used to create new candidates and associated with existing job.
Option 1: On the Candidate Page
How to use Bulk upload?
Choose at least one Job where you want to upload candidates. Click +Assign when you finish.
Click to upload > Choose the CVs you want to upload.
All uploaded files are parsed on the left. You can click on each of them to check the parsed information. You can edit some the parsed information. The original CV is displayed on the right for easy referencing.
When you finish checking/editing, click Add candidates to finish.
Hireforce supports a maximum file size of 10MB for PDF, DOCX, and DOC files. Maximum 50 files per upload. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple files.
Option 2: On the Job Page
How to use Bulk upload?
Choose the job where you want to add a new candidate.
Click to upload > Choose the CVs you want to upload.
All uploaded files are parsed on the left. You can click on each of them to check the parsed information. You can edit some the parsed information. The original CV is displayed on the right for easy referencing.
When you finish checking/editing, click Add candidates to finish.
Hireforce supports a maximum file size of 10MB for PDF, DOCX, and DOC files. Maximum 50 files per upload. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple files.
2. The Candidate applied by themselves
The Candidate applied by themselves to a job from Career Page, on job boards which integrated with Hireforce or through a campaign. Candidates who would like to join your company can apply (drop their resumes) in a suitable opening job on Career Page.
In the add candidate pop-up, Input the candidate's information:
Full name (*) Required Field
Email *
Headline *
Phone Number
Resume/CV Hireforce will support the file type with PDF, Docx, Doc up to 10MB
Cover letter: Clearly show how your professional experience fits the needs of the job and the culture of the company
Sort Candidate
Candidates will be by default sorted based on Last activity date (most recent first).
You can change the sorting at your discretion based on your needs.
You can choose to sort by Creation date (Newest first or Oldest first) or by Last activity date (Newest first or Oldest first) as following:
Click Create at or Last activity.
Choose Newest first or Oldest first.
You can only choose to sort by Creation date or Last activity date, not both at the same time.
Search & Filter Candidate
Search candidates
Click Candidates icon in the left menu.
Click the search bar on the top menu. You can search candidates by Candidate's name, Phone number, Email and Link.
Choose and combine the filters you would like use to search for candidates.
Filter candidates
Job: Filter candidates by the job(s) in your company account which you can access, including archived jobs. You can choose a specific job or all the open jobs by clicking Any open jobs.
View Candidate Profile
You can view candidates from the Candidates Page or Job Detail.
From Candidate
On the Candidates page, you can view the list of candidate that is sourced, applied or referred.
If the candidate applied or was sourced to more than 1 job, the Job Colum will show the number of jobs instead of the Title.
You can click the number of jobs to see the Job titles list that they applied for or were sourced.
From Job
On the Job detail page, you will view the list of job candidates for each job.
Go to the Job on the main menu.
Find the job that you want to check and click on the Title or any number in the job card.
Hireforce will navigate to the job, to assist you in viewing the candidates according to the job pipeline stage.
Display Candidate information
On the Candidates page, Hireforce displays by default that the candidate card will include the following information:
Full name
Phone number
Talent pools
Created at
Last activity
You can adjust the information displayed on the Candidates page as follows:
Click Display in the top menu.
Enable the information that you want to display.
If you want to change the position of the information, you can hold and drag it to the desired position.
If you want to back to default, click Reset to default.
Member of your company with roles Admin and Member can adjust the information displayed on the Candidates page.
When you adjust the information, only you can view it. Other people will not be affected by your change.
Edit Candidate Profile
The Candidate Profile is updated with related candidate information, you may update their information by clicking on the field where you want to update.
After updating a field on a candidate profile, please remember to click the Tick button to save your new information.
Custom Profile field
These are custom fields for your candidate profiles and can be used to collect the candidate information that you need such as:
At the top of a profile: Candidate's photo, Candidate's name, Job title, Tag and The main tab.
Contact details: Email, Phone number, Location, Links.
Profile information:
Job categories and majors. | |
Total work experience relevant to the jobs the candidate is interested in. | |
Could be language skills mentioned on the resume, programming languages, or even hobbies. | |
Collect the current candidate’s salary in the currency of your choice. | |
Collect the candidate’s salary expectations in the currency of your choice. | |
In Hireforce, candidates are assigned an "Owner" who's responsible for managing their profile. Here's how ownership is determined:
| |
Source By identifies the team member who added the candidate. | |
The date that the candidate applied or was sourced on Hirefore |
Employee referrals
They can be setup as templates and applied to all candidates who are applying to a job.
Check out this article for setting up profile fields.
You can edit the profile fields in a profile as following:
Go to a candidate's profile.
Click on the field you need to edit.
Edit the information as you want.
Click icon Check to save.
Add Tag
Tags on the Candidate Profile (Candidate Tag) are applied directly to the candidate profile in the top left corner near the candidate’s name.
Use tags to better organize your candidates.
You can manage all the tags that appear in the candidate profile on the Tags Page in the Setting section.
You can add tags in a candidate's profile as following:
1. Go to a candidate's profile.
2. Under the Job Title, click the + Add tag button.
3. Click the tags you want to add or create a new tag by typing in the keyword or phrase that you want to add and hit Enter to save it. You might want to add tags based on skills, experience level, or software knowledge.
Read more about Manage tags
Add Resume/CV
You can add add a candidate's Resume/CV as following:
1. Go to a candidate's profile.
2. Scroll down to Resume/CV > Click Add to upload drag and drop. HireForce will support the file type with PDF, DOCX, DOC up to 10MB.
3. Choose the candidate's CV.
Add Section
This section can help your company save information about candidate's work experience, education and references on Hireforce.
At the bottom of a profile, you can add work experience, education and references of a candidate as following:
Click Add work experience.
In the pop-up, fill in the information as shown in the image below.
Click Save.
On the right side of each section:
To add more fields to each section, click the Add button.
To edit a field, click the Pencil icon button.
To delete a field, click the Trash icon button.
Talent Pool
During the recruiting process, you and your team may need to hire for various job categories and majors. Talent pools can help reuse candidate data from previous searches, making it easier to navigate the hiring cycle
Everyone in your company account on Hireforce can create the Talent Pool except the user with the Interviewer role.
Create Talent Pool
Click +New Talent Pool, a pop up to add Talent pool will appear
Enter Talent Pool information
Name: choose a clear name for your Talent Pool ℹ️ A clear Talent Pool Name makes it easier for everyone within your company to understand the purpose and focus of each talent pool. This can be helpful for Talent Pool members who might contribute to finding or evaluating candidates.
Talent Pool Member: You can add other members to join the Talent Pool who can contribute to sourcing and reusing talents. ℹ️ Talent Pool Member can see all candidates inside and they can add candidates inside the pool and take notes inside the pool.
Add a Candidate to Talent pool
There are many options to add candidates to talent pool
Last updated