
Job Dashboard

The Job Dashboard summarizes job positions. It is also where you manage potential candidates and collaborate with team members to monitor the hiring process.

All team members will be able to access it but will see different jobs based on their assigned jobs.

  1. Job listings: shows all of the jobs that has been posted, each specific job is a job card

  2. Customize your view job by using Search and filter job

Job Card

The job card will display an overview of the job, you can see the stages of the hiring process of each job. See the number of candidates within each stage as from Sourced or Applied to Hired and other related information.

Job Title

The name of the position you are recruiting for.


This is the location where hired candidates will be based. If you choose many locations in a job, it will show the number of locations instead of the specific address.


This is the department of the position you are recruiting for.

Job Status

Show the job's current status.

Here is an overview of all of the statuses a job can have in Hireforce:

Job StatusDescription

The job is published internally and not visible on the Career page; only those with the link can apply.

The job is published and visible on the Career page; everyone can apply.

Publish is the default status after the job is posted

The job has been archived, is closed for applications and moved into the archived job list. Candidates cannot apply, but can view job when they have link job. Recruiters cannot work on the job pipeline or edit job.

Job posting has been saved as a draft. It is not visible on your careers page You are able to continue creating job and publish the job at a later time.

You can change Job status by following steps:

  • On the Job page, find the job that you want to change the status

  • Click the job status button in the upper-right corner of the job you want to change the status of.

  • Select a new status

It shows the job's actions such as: view, edit, share, duplicate, and delete. Depending on each job status, there are suitable actions.

Job's pipeline

You can see all stages of hiring pipeline of each job, and see the number of candidates within each stage. It shows a maximum 12 stages.

Create Dated - Views - Hiring team

  • Created date: The day when this job was created.

  • Views: Total number of people who viewed this job.

  • Hiring team: A group of individuals within your organization who are collectively responsible for the recruitment and selection of candidates for a open job.

Job Management

At the top of the Job page, you can view the Search bar and the Filter options

  1. Click Job icon in the left menu

  2. Click the search bar on the top menu. You can search for specific keywords like job title


You can filter your jobs by Location, Department, Job status, Hiring member

  • Location: The location where candidates will be working

  • Department: Your company's department where this job has opened

  • Job status: Job's current status

  • Hiring member: The person is a part of job's hiring team


View job details on the Career Page where candidates will view the job that has been posted. It allows candidates to learn more about the job before deciding to apply.

  1. Select the job that recruiter want to view on the job section

  2. Click View job button


Adjust any job information that is incorrect or needs to be changed.

To edit a Job

  1. Go to the job on the Job page

  2. Then click Save


Share Job is the way to help you advertise the job with your network and social media. Share your job on other channels, such as: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,...Candidates clicking on this link will see the job on your career page.

There are 2 options to share a job:

  1. On the Job dashboard

  • Find the job you would like to share.

  • You can use the following shared ways

  1. On the Job Detail Page

  • You can use the following shared ways


You can Duplicate a job to create a copy of it in Hireforce.

  • The job description and all of the relevant information will carry over to the Duplicated Job.

  • Candidates in the original job will not carry over, so you'll start with a clean slate.

To duplicate a job,

  • Then, double-check the Job information and click Publish to complete the posting job


If you have created a draft of a job and no longer want to publish it, you can delete it.

  1. Select the job draft you want to delete and click the Delete Job button.

  2. Click the confirm Delete button.

Last updated