
This guide details the scheduling types and options Hireforce currently support.

Prior to setting up interviews and schedule interview activities, we’d recommend setting up interview plans to establish the interview stages candidates will pass through.

Schedule an interview

You can schedule interviews with your candidates as following:

Go to a candidate's profile, click the Interview button on the right of profile.

In the pop-up, input the interview's information


You may select Screening or Interview stage


You may select Phone Interview, Onsite interview or Online Interview


Click + button to choose the member will attend the Interview. This is required field


It may a specific address if you chose Onsite Interview type

Time and Date

Select time and date with 1 in 2 options: - Candidate self schedule - Set specific time

Interview Kit

Choose the interview kit template was added to this stage of the job.


  • Feedback reminder: Hireforce will automatically send email reminders to attendees 24 hours after an interview. Y

  • Candidate reminder: Hireforce will automatically send email reminders to candidates 24 hours before their interview.

These features are enabled by default, you can disable these features if you don't want to send reminders.

Depending on the kind of Time and Date you selected, the next pop-up will display relevant information.

Set specific time

If you schedule an interview with the Set specific time option, after you complete the first pop-up by clicking Continue, you will see the next pop-up to review the time and date of the interview and send the email notification.

There are 2 options for sending notification email:

  • Candidate: The email notification will only send the candidate.

  • Attendees: The email notification will send the organizer and attendees (depend on the number of attendees you choose on the first pop-up).

  • By default, this feature is enabled, and the email for the candidate will appear above the email for attendees.

  • You may disable it if you don't want to send email notifications to them. The email content will also be hidden.

When sending emails to attendees or candidates, you have two options to change the information:

  • You can select an email template that is available in your account by clicking Select template.

  • You can compose the email content according to your specific demands and add additional information by clicking Insert.

After checking all the information, click Schedule to complete it.

Candidate self schedule

You can schedule an interview with Candidate self schedule as following:

  • At Time and date, choose the Candidate self schedule.

  • Click Calendar to choose the time slot you'd like to suggest for the candidate.

  • Choose the time slot by clicking on the calendar then click Done.

  • Click Send booking form to complete.

After you send the booking form to the candidate, the Interview tab will display the interview information as shown below.

When the candidate selects an interview time slot, the Time field will show the time and date that the candidate booked.

Candidate experience

When you send a self-schedule link to a candidate, they'll receive an email to choose a time slot to schedule the interview.

Step 1: Open this email then click Go to booking form to open a booking page.

Step 2: This booking page is where they can see basic information about the interview. The candidate should click on a time slot to schedule the interview then click Submit.

If a suitable time slot isn't available, the candidate can click I can't find a suitable time to notify the organizer that they need to reschedule.

Step 3: After clicking Submit, After clicking submit, the candidate will see a Confirmed meeting slot notification to confirm their successful submission.

Step 4: After confirmation from the candidate, the interview will be booked. The attendees and candidate will receive a interview confirmed email.

View Interview

To enhance the candidate and interview experience by providing users with more information, convenience, and speed, for a more positive and seamless journey, Hireforce released a new feature View Event after you set up an event such as an interview. Instead of the traditional method of sending information to each person individually, Hireforce integrates all necessary information into a centralized View Event button, even the map if you update the location correctly


  • When scheduling an interview, enable "Notify candidate and attendee(s) by email", the View Event button is shown in the email as default.

    As you know, you can customize the email content here, if you'd like to put the View event button in another place in the email, you can pick it out as follows:

    • Click Insert

    • Select event_preview_link

  • Attendee(s) will get the email, they can click View Event to view event detail

Edit or delete an interview

Edit an interview

  1. Go to a candidate's profile.

  2. Click the Interview button on the main tabs.

  3. Click the Pencil icon on the right.

  4. In the pop-up, correct the information > Click Continue

  5. Enable Notify candidate and attendee(s) by email if you want to send email to them.

  6. Review the interview's information and email content > click Schedule

Delete an interview

  1. Go to a candidate's profile.

  2. Click the Interview button on the main tabs.

  3. Click the Trash icon on the right.

  4. If you want to notify candidate and attendees, tick Send notification email.

  5. Click Delete

Last updated