Candidate Listing


The candidate listing provides a centralized view of the candidates that you can access. It allows you to easily manage and track your applicants throughout the recruitment process.

Candidates Searching


To help you customize the candidates list to your specific needs, Hireforce provides the Display feature to choose which columns you want to view.

On the Candidates page, Display by default that the candidate will include the following information:

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Jobs

  • Stage

  • Tags

  • Talent pools

  • Created at

  • Last activity

Note: Full name, Created at, and Last activity are mandatory display fields that cannot be disabled.

You can adjust the information displayed on the Candidates page as follows:

  1. Click the Display button at the top menu.

  2. Enable the information that you want to display.

  3. If you want to change the position of the information, you can hold and drag it to the desired position.

  4. If you want to back to default, click Reset to default.


  • Member of your company with roles Admin and Member can adjust the information displayed on the Candidates page.

  • When you adjust the information, only you can view it. Other people will not be affected by your change.

Search bar - Filter - Sort

You can search the candidate on the Candidates page as follows:

  1. Click the search bar at the top menu. You can search candidates by Candidate's name, Phone number, Email and Link.

  2. You can choose and combine the filters that you would like use to search for candidates.


You can filter the candidate on the Candidates page as follows:

  1. Click the Filter button at the top menu.

  2. Choose the object and the value that you would like to filter.

  3. You can combine filters for different objects to find the most suitable results. For example, you can filter candidates by their jobs, experience, and location.

Sort candidate

Candidates will be by default sorted based on Last activity date (most recent first).

You can change the sorting at your discretion based on your needs.

You can choose to sort by Creation date (Newest first or Oldest first) or by Last activity date (Newest first or Oldest first) as following:

  1. Click Create at or Last activity.

  2. Choose Newest first or Oldest first.

You can only choose to sort by Creation date or Last activity date, not both at the same time.

The Job-Related Tab will appear in the Candidate Profile in addition to the Profile Tab for those who have access to the application once a candidate applied or was sourced for a position.

In addition to the similar information found in the Profile tab, the Job-Related tab will contain additional information specific to the jobs relate to the candidate. You can view the Job title beside the Job-Related tab.

Interview Tab

The Interview Tab keeps track of all the candidate's interview history.

You can schedule interviews on the Job-Related Tab or on the Candidate Card by clicking the Schedule button.

Email Tab

The Interview Tab keeps track of all the email history sent by the hiring team to the candidate, allowing recruiters to easily reference previous conversations.

Feedback Tab

The Feedback Tab keeps track of all the Interview Feedback and the Application Feedback, help you easily manage all the candidate feedbacks.

This tab included:

  • Interview feedback and Applicant feedback grouped by stage: - From Hired on top to Applied at the bottom. - Feedback added order by latest to oldest. - Counting final score by type and show pending list of attendees who still not published the pending feedback yet (pending feedback and draft feedback).

  • Reminder banner if you have pending Interview Feedback to submit.

  • Overall score: Accumulated published score (exclude pending and draft feedback).

Last updated