

The Location section in Hireforce allows you to manage all location-related information for your job postings. Here, you can create new locations, edit existing ones, and associate them with your job openings. This feature is essential for targeting candidates in specific geographic areas.

On the Settings page, select Locations to access.

Location Management

You're able to edit or delete the Location after being added

  • Edit: Click the Pencil icon on the right > Edit information then click Save

  • Delete: Click the Trash icon on the right > Click Delete

Add A New Location

You can add many locations in your account:

  1. Click the +Add location button.

  2. Fill out the Office name, Country, State/province as required field. City, ZIP/Postal Code, and Street address is optional fields.

  3. Click the Add button to complete. Repeat these steps to add as many locations as you want.

Last updated