Profile Filed

Each candidate's profile inside a job has specific and important information that is contained in the profile fields such as salary, language, skills, and experiences … With profile fields, recruiters can efficiently collect and store personal data about their candidate profiles and set visibility restrictions for sensitive information such as salary.

Go to Settings -> Profile fields, here you can view and manage profile fields

By default, having 13 profile fields in Hireforce includes 3 parts:

  • Name: field’s name that shows on the candidate profile to the recruiter fill in the information

  • Visibility: enable or disable visibility on the candidate profile

  • Visible to: the default option is Everyone who has access to the candidate profile. However, the only fields with modified private visibility are Current Salary and Expect Salary

Profile fields can only be accessed, set to enable or disable visibility and private fields by the Admin

Custom profile fields enable you to modify fields on the candidate profile so you can collect and organize the exact information you need.

On the candidate profile, click Custom button to navigate to the Profile field page

Last updated